SCORPIO RACES movie lands director


Matt Sobel will direct The Scorpio Races movie, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Maggie Stiefvater’s The Scorpio Races takes place on the island of Thisby where water horses are raced every November. Only one person can win – and somebody always dies.

Focus Features bought the rights last year. Jack Thorne wrote the screenplay. David Katzenberg and Seth Grahame-Smith will produce.

Film rights were bought once before by Warner Bros. in 2011, but the company failed to make use of them within their allotted time frame.

Who would you cast in a Scorpio Races movie? Sound off in the comments below!


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Nicole is the editor of YA Interrobang. She has short hair and loves dragons. The rest changes without notice. Follow her on Twitter at or Tumblr at . Like her work? Leave her a tip.

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