EXCLUSIVE: See the cover of ALL THE STARS LEFT BEHIND by Ashley Graham!


Need a beautiful new sci-fi cover to start your day? Then take a peek at All the Stars Left Behind by Ashley Graham!


She can barely walk. She won’t ever run. But she will win this war. She never asked to be a part of an intergalactic war, but when she stepped between a gunman and the enigmatic Roar, getting shot reveals the truth behind every mystery in her life.Turns out Roar is an alien and his people are at war with the race that enslaved his — and she’s the key to ending it all.

“When I opened my email and laid eyes on my cover for the first time, I shrieked. Loud enough that I frightened my son in the middle of a math quiz, and a squirrel almost fell from the tree outside my balcony,” said Graham. “This cover is perfect. Exactly what I imagined, only way better! I’m so excited for the world to meet Leda and Roar under this beautiful cover.”

All the Stars Left Behind releases from Entangled Teen on June 6.

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YA Interrobang

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