What new YA covers hit the web this week? (November 13)


Here is a selection of new YA covers for upcoming books. Check the descriptions below for publishers, release dates and more.

between-two-skies-joanne-osullivan blood-rose-rebellion-rosalyn-eves the-evaporation-of-sofi-snow-mary-weber

Between Two Skies by Joanne O’Sullivan
Publisher: Candlewick
Release date: April 2017
Bayou Perdu, a tiny fishing town way, way down in Louisiana, is home to sixteen-year-old Evangeline Riley. She has her best friends, Kendra and Danielle; her wise, beloved Mamere; and back-to-back titles in the under-sixteen fishing rodeo. And then the storm comes, and everything changes.

Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Release date: March 28th 2017
Anna Arden is barred from society by a defect of blood. Though her family are powerful users of magic, she is unable to perform the simplest spells. Anna finds herself exiled to Hungary. But as rebellion spreads across the region, Anna’s unique ability becomes the catalyst everyone is seeking.

The Evaporation of Sofi Snow by Mary Weber
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Release date: June 6th 2017
Ever since the Delonese ice-planet arrived eleven years ago, Sofi’s dreams have been vivid. Alien. In a system where Earth’s corporations rule in place of governments, her only constant has been her brother, Shilo. But when a bomb takes out the arena, Sofi’s the only one who believes Shilo survived.

first-we-were-iv-alexandra-sirowy in-27-days-alison-gervais the-library-of-fates-aditi-khorana

First We Were IV by Alexandra Sirowy
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Release date: July 25th 2017
Izzie and her three best friends dream up the Order of IV, a secret society devoted to mischief that rights wrongs and pays back debts. But when the Order of IV’s escapades get recognition what started as a game of friendship is spiraling into something dangerous and beyond their control.

by Alison Gervais
Publisher: Blink
Release date: August 1st 2017
At her classmate’s funeral, Hadley is approached by a man who calls himself Death and offers her a deal. If Hadley accepts, she will be sent back 27 days in time to prevent Archer from killing himself. But when Hadley agrees to Death’s terms, she quickly learns her mission is harder than she ever could have known.

The Library of Fates by Aditi Khorana
Publisher: Razorbill
Release date: July 18th 2017
When the unthinkable happens, Amrita finds herself alone but for Thala, who was kept by Sikander as a slave and managed to escape amid the chaos of a palace under siege. She encourages Amrita to go on a quest to find the fabled Library of All Things, where it is possible for each of them to reverse their fates.

pretty-fierce-kieran-scott the-savage-dawn-melissa-grey the-secret-history-of-us-jessi-kirby

Pretty Fierce by Kieran Scott
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Release date: April 1st 2017
Kaia has been on the run her whole life. The daughter of professional assassins, she knows true danger—and she’ll do anything to survive. Kaia’s spent the last year in hiding after her parents vanished, but when she’s jumped by a hit man, Kaia’s secret is exposed.

The Savage Dawn (The Girl at Midnight #3) by Melissa Grey
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Release date: July 11th 2017
Echo awakened the Firebird. Now she is the only one with the power to face the darkness she unwittingly unleashed . . . right into the waiting hands of Tanith, the new Dragon Prince. Tanith has one goal in mind: destroy her enemies, raze their lands, and reign supreme.

The Secret History of Us by Jessi Kirby
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release date: August 1st 2017
Olivia wakes up to realize she doesn’t remember. Not just the accident—but anything from the last four years. Not high school. Not Matt, the guy who is apparently her boyfriend. Not the reason she and Jules are no longer friends. Nothing.

secrets-of-a-reluctant-princess-casey-griffin wonder-woman-warbringer-leigh-bardugo

Secrets of a Reluctant Princess by Casey Griffin
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Release date: March 7th 2017
Adrianna Bottom always wanted to be liked. But this wasn’t exactly what she had in mind. Now, she’s in the spotlight…and out of her geeky comfort zone. She’ll do whatever it takes to turn the rumor mill in her favor—even if it means keeping secrets. So far, it’s working.

Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo
Publisher: Random House/DC Comics
Release date: August 29th 2017
Diana longs to prove herself to her warrior sisters. But when the opportunity finally comes, she throws away her chance at glory and breaks Amazon law—risking exile—to save a mere mortal. Even worse, Alia Keralis is no ordinary girl and with this single brave act, Diana may have doomed the world.

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About Author

Lucy Nisbet

Lucy is an English teacher-in-training and a self-confessed book nerd. She often buys more books than she can reasonably afford or possibly have time to read. Her Hogwarts letter is now several years too late, but she’s sure it’s just gotten lost in the post.

1 Comment

  1. I love this website! I run a book club at my High School in Ottawa, Canada, and I depend on this website so I can tell the club members what’s going on! Thank you!