Edgar Awards announce YA nominees


The Edgar Awards announced their nominees for the 2015 award season.

Nominees are Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Doubt Factory, Elle Cosimano’s Nearly Gone, Lamar Giles’ Fake ID, James Klise’s The Art of Secrets, and Blake Nelson’s The Prince of Venice Beach.

The Edgar Allen Poe Awards, often referred to as the Edgar, is an award given out by the Mystery Writers of America in honor of Edgar Allen Poe. The award will be presented to the winners at a banquet in New York City on April 29th.

For more, visit the Edgar Award’s website.

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Nicole is the editor of YA Interrobang. She has short hair and loves dragons. The rest changes without notice. Follow her on Twitter at or Tumblr at . Like her work? Leave her a tip.

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