Win a copy of Emmy Laybourne’s SWEET for you + a friend!


It’s September. It’s the end of summer. It’s the start of school. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have one last summer read to hide beneath your desk. So why not snag a copy of Emmy Laybourne’s Sweet for you and a friend?

In Sweet, Laurel agrees to go on a Solu sweetner cruise with her friend Viv, but when the passengers start acting strange, she has to partner with Tom Forelli, former child star and total hottie, to figure out what’s going on.

There will be three Sweet packages. Every package includes two copies of Sweet – one for you, and one for a friend!

Fill out the form below to win one friendship pack of Sweet by Emmy Laybourne. Giveaway prizes donated by YA Interrobang. Open to entrants in the U.S. only.

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