Kenneth Branagh attached to ARTEMIS FOWL movie


Kenneth Branagh signed on to develop an Artemis Fowl movie, according to Variety. Branagh will direct the film and join the producing team alongside Harvey Weinstein.

Eoin Colfer’s Artemis Fowl series follows the life of Artemis Fowl, who begins the books as a 12-year-old criminal mastermind, with a plan to extort gold from the Fairy People by kidnapping Captain Holly Short of the LEP Recon.

Disney sat on the rights to the film for years before beginning to attach names to the project. Whether or not they will follow through on the film is unknown.

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Nicole is the editor of YA Interrobang. She has short hair and loves dragons. The rest changes without notice. Follow her on Twitter at or Tumblr at . Like her work? Leave her a tip.