What international YA books release this week? (September 29)


What international YA books release this week? We’ve got a list for you of what September international YA books hit shelves this week.


Silence is Goldfish by Annabel Pitcher
Publisher: Orion Books
Release date: October 1st
I have a voice but it isn’t mine. It used to say things so I’d fit in, to please my parents, to please my teachers. It used to tell the universe I was something I wasn’t. It lied.

True Power (True Fire #3) by Gary Meehan
Publisher: Quercus
Release date: October 1st
After battling their way across Werlavia, Megan and her friends have found safety in the mountain city of Hil. But the army of the True are waiting.

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About Author

Lucy Nisbet

Lucy is an English teacher-in-training and a self-confessed book nerd. She often buys more books than she can reasonably afford or possibly have time to read. Her Hogwarts letter is now several years too late, but she’s sure it’s just gotten lost in the post.

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