EVERY WORD takes home Davitt Award


Ellie Marney’s Every Word took home Davitt Award for best young adult crime novel.

The Davitts, named after the author of Australia’s first mystery novel, honors excellent crime novels by Australian women. The awards were presented by crime novelist Sophie Hannah at the Thornbury Theatre in Melbourne on August 29.

Every Word is the second in Marney’s Every series and is a modern take on the infamous Sherlock Holmes characters. In Every Word, James Mycroft left London to investigate a car accident without saying goodbye to partner Rachel Watts – who decides to follow him, and lands them both in a heap of trouble.

Other nominees in the young adult division were Christine Bongers’ Intruder, Rebecca Lim’s The Astrologer’s Daughter, and Pamela Rushby’s The Ratcatcher’s Daughter.

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Nicole is the editor of YA Interrobang. She has short hair and loves dragons. The rest changes without notice. Follow her on Twitter at or Tumblr at . Like her work? Leave her a tip.

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