True To You And Your Heart: C.J. Abedi talks the Fae trilogy


the-queen-cj-abediToday, The Queen by C.J. Abedi hits shelves – and what better way to conclude a trilogy than by giving you the entire trilogy?

In The Queen, the final book of the Fae trilogy, Caroline and Devilyn fight to preserve their love despite dark forces threatening to tear them apart. As Caroline struggles to accept her rightful place as Queen of the Light Fae, her relationship with Devilyn, son of the Dark King, seems not only doomed, but dangerous. They know their connection is undeniable, but for others, their love is an insidious threat.

Sisters Colet and Jasmine Abedi – who together make author C.J. Abedi – stopped by to answer a few questions about the series end. Take a peek at what they had to say, then scroll down to enter to win the entire trilogy!

The Fae trilogy is almost over! What’s the journey been like for you as a writer?
We can’t believe the end is finally here! It’s been quite a ride for us and we are so grateful for all the love we’ve received over the years. Our fans have been very patient and we can’t tell you how incredible and humbling that has been as writers. There have been personal ups and downs and we’re very happy to finally be here and we hope that everyone will be pleased with the way the series ends.

Can you tell us a bit about the trilogy for those who might be new to the series?
Fae is the story of sixteen year old Caroline Ellis, the heir to throne of the Light Fae, and her coming to embrace who she is and what her destiny will be. She is fated to love Devilyn, the only FAE to be both Light and Dark and who has come to Roanoke to protect her against his own father who believes she should be destroyed, as Caroline is half human. At its core, Fae is a love story but it’s also about embracing and living your personal truth and not what society believes it should be.

Caroline and Devilyn have come a long way since book one. What do you think their book one selves would think of their current selves?
Caroline would be surprised at how bad ass she becomes and we think would be proud of the strength she gains through the books. She grows up quite a bit and is not the timid, shy, girl we meet in book one. Devilyn lets his guard down and embraces love and all that comes with it. He comes to realize that it’s a better life when you’re true to yourself and YOUR heart. We think they’d both be proud of themselves.

How did you decide the kind of magic system to build? Was it difficult?
We read a lot of about Irish mythology and FAE magic. We wanted to take myths from history… like the Tuatha de Danann and mix into the book. We think we did a good job.

Over the past few years, there’s been a conversation about using “light” and “dark” as magical descriptors, as the negative connotations stem from racial issues; are those magical labels something you would change now, if you could go back?
We don’t see it like that. We think this label of light and dark has been used through history. It has nothing to do with race, ethnicity or color. It’s about the deep battles we fight within our soul, the constant struggle between doing what is right vs what is wrong. And it’s also about the power and control that positive (light) and negative (dark) thoughts have over your life and ultimately your destiny.

What else do you want people to know about The Queen?
It’s ultimately a love story and a coming of age story. It’s about finding your truth and never settling.

What YA books would you recommend to readers who loved this series?
We personally loved the Twilight series, Beautiful Creatures, Divergent, anything George R. R. Martin, Suzanne Collins or Kiera Cass. They are all such great storytellers.

Want to win the Fae trilogy? Fill out the form below to win the Fae trilogy by C.J. Abedi. Giveaway prizes donated by Diversion Books. Open to the U.S. only. Void where prohibited.

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Nicole is the editor of YA Interrobang. She has short hair and loves dragons. The rest changes without notice. Follow her on Twitter at or Tumblr at . Like her work? Leave her a tip.

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