CARRIE PILBY to become film, Hailee Steinfeld to star


Carrie Pilby by Caren Lissner will soon become a film starring Hailee Steinfeld, according to The Hollywood Reporter

The indie film will be directed by Susan Johnson. Filming is scheduled to begin in May, though there is no release date attached to the film yet.

The book tells the story of Carrie Pilby, a 19-year-old genius who just graduated from Harvard. Living alone in New York City, Carrie tries to find where she fits into the world by completing lists of goals her therapist makes for her.

For more, visit Caren Lissner’s website.

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About Author

Lindsay lives in Brooklyn and is better at describing fictional people than herself. She spends her days as a reporter, but dreams of the day she can use her Creative Writing degree a bit more than her Journalism degree.

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