Authorology: Authors share the best schools in YA


Welcome to Authorology, where authors talk about their favorite parts of YA books.

Real school is so boring compared to fictional schools. We talk about the best schools in YA – and yes, a lot of us love Hogwarts.

The Revenge Playbook.

The school in The Revenge Playbook by Rachael Allen – where the girls are willing to stand up to the footballers who rule the school and set the record straight about how they want to be seen.

– Joy N. Hensley, author of Rites of Passage

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks.

the disreputable history of franke landau banks e lockhart

Especially during this intense political season, my number one school pick is one of my all-time favorite YA books, The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart. The main character, Frankie, sets out to fight the patriarchal, sexist secret society that exists at her boarding school. As such, Frankie is the penultimate feminist, who is smart, clever, and funny. Told in Lockhart’s signature style, there are discussions of power structures, Foucault’s panopticon, and gender politics that are perfect for those returning to school this fall, and every season after.

E. Katherine Kottaras, author of How To Be Brave

harry potter and the chamber of secrets j.k. rowlingGotta get back to Hogwarts.

How can you find a better place than Hogwarts? I want to lose myself for years in the hallways and hidden rooms. I’d probably puke climbing the stairways that move, but maybe there’s a spell for that.

Kevin Sylvester, author of MINRS

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, Teach us something please.

Marieke Nijkamp, author of This Is Where It Ends

Hogwarts, of course, even though the owl delivering my letter must have got lost because we were moving around a lot when I was at about the right age.

Shanna Swendson, author of Rebel Mechanics

What are your favorite schools in YA? Sound off in the comments below!

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