The movie adaptation of The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken cast actress Gwendoline Christie.
In The Darkest Minds, Ruby is sent to Thurmond, a government “rehabilitation camp” after awakening with powers she cannot control. She escapes and joins a group of kids, but after what happened with her parents, Ruby won’t let herself get close to anybody – even when strangers want to use Ruby in their fight against the government.
Christie, who is best known for her role as Brienne in the HBO adaptation of Game of Thrones, will play the role of a ferocious bounty hunter that’s pursuing the runaway teens. Jennifer Yuh Nelson will direct.
The Darkest Minds is available now.
1 Comment
Gwendoline Christie??? OMG – sold. The series wasn’t my favorite, but I enjoyed them well enough. With Gwendoline Christie in it, I am definitely watching!
Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review