What were the best YA covers of 2015?


It’s New Year’s Eve, and while we’ve already made our list of our favorite YA books of 2015 and are now looking ahead to what we’ll read in the new year, we thought we’d take one last moment to celebrate the best YA covers of 2015.

There’s a lot of beauties in this post, including contemporary novels, fantasy novels, and novels that bend genres and challenge us in way we’d never have otherwise expected. (Looking at you, The Walls Around Us.) Which ones do you think are the prettiest? That best capture their stories? That you want framed on your walls?

Click the cover for more information about each book.

the start of me and you emery lordbone gap laura rubyserpentine cindy pon six of crows leigh bardugounder the lights dahlia adlercrimson bound rosamund hodge about a girl sarah mccarrythe walls around us nova ren suma

Which cover is your favorite? Sound off in the comments below!


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